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We’ve Cracked the Summer Color Code

Yes, I love PSL’s. Yes, I love Halloween. Yes, I love that Christmas is coming and the weather’s cooling off and I get to wear scarves again.


Why can’t I keep my summer color too? Is that too much to ask?

At Bottoms Up, we don’t think so. Absolutely not. In fact, we’re more excited for these brisk and chilly weather changes than you’d even think because not only do we get to enjoy hot chocolate again and wear fuzzy socks, but we’ve cracked the code to keeping your color all year long and we want to share it with you.

So that these tips don’t slip your mind, here’s an easy acronym to follow throughout the sunless months spelling out CODE:

C – Cold Showers

When it’s chilly, a hot steamy shower is a beautiful comfort, but it can dry out your skin, making you have to exfoliate more often meaning you lose more skin and therefore, more color. Finish off warm showers with a burst of cold water to lock in pores and keep skin moisturized.

O – Out-Drink your Summer Water Intake

It’s even more imperative to keep hydrated by drinking a hefty amount of water throughout the fall and winter. You may not “feel thirsty,” but trust us, your body probably needs more water than you’re drinking. A good rule of thumb is to take a look in the toilet bowl after you go. The goal is to keep that urine clear. Chug a bottle of water if it’s not so after you go.

D – Ditch the Shower Gel

Shower and cleansing oils is the way to go if you want to maintain your tan. Gels can take more moisture from your skin than you want leading us down that inevitable path: dehydrated skin, exfoliation, bye bye tan.

E – Eat Right

Specific foods help your body to produce melanin—what gives the skin color. These foods include: fish, pork, avocados, beans, cheese, and eggs and many more. It’s sounding like the beginning of an awesome breakfast burrito if you ask me.

Keeping the CODE in mind until next summer will help to keep you sun-kissed and smiling all year long.

Ensure your color stays with a Sun Kissed Club membership. Explore the levels here.


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